8 Mindsets That Could Be Hurting Your Career

A Podcast Interview With Dan Moulder, Paralegal Manager and Author

Did you know that changing your mindset could make you happier at work?

Are you ready to start achieving the success you’ve always dreamed of?

Now is the time to self-reflect and start recognizing the role you play in accomplishing your career goals.

Ready to overcome those limiting mindsets?

In this podcast episode, Ann interviews Dan Moulder, Paralegal Manager and Author of The Lunch: How To Manage You. A Leadership Book For the Rest of Us. Dan gives insight into 8 mindsets that could be hurting your paralegal career. Find out what could be holding you back and change your future today.

Listen to the podcast episode

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The Lunch Cover page sporting a table with drinking glasses, a wine bottle, and a menu, and two chairs under an umbrella.

In this podcast episode, Ann recommends reading Dan’s book, The Lunch.

You can get a copy

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