Episode 147: There is No Failure If You Don’t Quit – An Interview With Kat Bell

“There is no failure if you don’t quit,” is a recurring lesson in Kat Bell’s life, driving her to face challenges head-on and adapt to achieve her goals. 

In this interview, Kat shares:

  • The powerful story behind why she’s taking on this challenge
  • How she overcame adversity, lost nearly 100 pounds, and built confidence along the way
  • The reality of searching for a job as a legal assistant in today’s market
  • Career advice for legal professionals looking for their next opportunity
  • How you can support her mission and help raise funds for domestic abuse survivors


Want to follow Kat’s journey?

Subscribe to her YouTube channel: KatWoman Hikes
Follow her on Instagram, TikTok & Facebook: @KatWomanHikes

Donate to help fund her journey. Most of the hikers on the Appalachian Trail don’t make the journey because they run out of funds! Even just $5 or $10 can help buy Kat a sandwich or a night in a hostel on this hike from Georgia to Maine.

Prefer video?

This podcast episode was also recorded by video and uploaded to our YouTube channel.

If you’re not a subscriber, you should be!

You can watch the video interview here.

Kat Bell

Meet the Guest

Kat Bell is a legal assistant with 27+ years in the legal industry who is taking a break to fulfill a dream, challenge herself, and do something that not many of us would willingly do:

Spend months hiking 2,190 miles from Georgia to Maine along the Appalachian Trail. Kat was awarded a partial scholarship from the One More Day on the Appalachian Trail nonprofit organization to help fund this lifelong dream of hers.

She is hoping that this will also inspire and encourage others, particularly abuse survivors, to give them a spark of hope that no matter how broken or dark their past is…they can shine and thrive and do hard things and achieve big goals. 

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