In this episode, Ann is interviewed by paralegal student Kristy Medo. This is our first ever flipped interview style in which Ann is the person being interviewed on the podcast.
This was a class assignment for Kristy to interview someone and then present the interview to her class. Instead of just choosing to do a phone interview and use PowerPoint slides for her presentation to the class, Kristy reached out to Ann to see if she could take a step further!
Key Takeaways:
- Ann initially pursued a college degree, thinking she would go to law school but fell in love with being a paralegal and decided to pursue it as a career.
- Finding balance is one of the most challenging aspects of operating the Paralegal Bootcamp, as it can be easy to get wrapped up in projects and work long hours.
- Paralegals have a wide range of alternative career options, including legal compliance, data security, corporate positions, and healthcare compliance.
- Learning to use AI tools and technology is crucial for paralegals to stay relevant and valuable in the industry, as it can enhance efficiency and productivity.

Meet the Podcast “Guest Host”
Kristy Medo has been self-employed for the past 17 years, simultaneously managing rental properties, working as a contract business process consultant, and providing wellness services to businesses and individuals.
Through her personal and professional interactions with attorneys and the court system, she discovered her passion for law and began her career change.
Kristy has since enrolled in the ABA Approved Paralegal Program at Madison Area Technical College in Madison, Wisconsin, and is seeking remote work as a paralegal.
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