
Paralegal Side Gig Ideas (No driving required!)

Looking to make some extra cash?

The gig economy is more prevalent now more than ever. The pandemic not only forced people to work from home, but it opened doors for many to take on side gigs. People pick up side gigs for all kinds of reasons (including but not limited to): making up for a low salary from your day job, getting extra income for the holidays, saving for a downpayment on a house or car, or just earning something extra for doing something they’re passionate about.

Watch this paralegal training below!

I was talking to a paralegal who said she drives for Uber for some side money and it got me thinking about paralegal side gigs out there. She told me how she makes a lot of money on the weekend, but she’s put tens of thousands of extra miles on her car, eating into those extra funds with the tires she needs soon, more frequent repairs and maintenance, and the value of her car is much less now.

For this reason, we thought it might be helpful to give you some side gig ideas that don’t require you to drive strangers around in your car or do someone else’s grocery shopping!

Unlike other professions, as a paralegal, you usually can’t have a side gig where you’re doing virtual paralegal work for another lawyer because there could be a potential conflict of interest.

Side gig ideas other than driving that can help you get more income and use your paralegal skills.

This can feel like your options are limited, but we’ve got 5 Paralegal Side Gig Ideas that can bring in extra money AND can be done from the comfort of your couch or home office. These work-from-home gigs don’t involve a potential conflict of interest AND none of them require you to learn a new skill.

Sounds pretty good right? Let’s dive in!

1. Write Articles About Paralegal Topics and More

Businesses are always looking for writers. Websites like Fiverr and Upwork (while a good portion of what you get paid goes back to them as their fee for using them), get a lot of traffic to their sites giving you plenty of opportunities to find jobs that fit what you’re interested in writing about. These sites allow you to get paid to write about your hobbies or something you’re passionate about.

But you can even just get paid to share the knowledge you’ve gained in your career as a paralegal. The Paralegal Boot Camp pays paralegals up to $100 to write blog articles that we publish on our blog. A few of them write one or two a month.

You might say, well that’s only $200 per month. Yeah, but multiply that by 12 months. That’s $2,400! And that’s assuming you’re only writing for us. And it’s not just the Paralegal Boot Camp blog. These opportunities are plentiful and add up so don’t miss out.

You can sign up to write for our blog here.


2. Start a YouTube Channel or a Podcast Show

Now, with this paralegal side gig option, you’ll have to be patient because they don’t monetize until you have built up your followers. You will need to spend a lot of time putting out short videos or podcast episodes about a topic that others would find interesting. Really nailing down your niche.

For YouTube, once you have X number of video views and X number of subscribers, they’ll start paying you to have ads on your videos. You can learn more about the process and requirements here.

It’s the same thing with podcasting. You can check out the Paralegals on Fire! Podcast show for an example! Once you have enough of a following and X number of downloads you start getting paid.

This is a side gig you have to be in for the long haul. It might take you a year or more to see any cash coming in from these methods, but if you like to shoot videos, share your interests, and talk to people, this could be something fun and profitable in the long run. I know someone who has actually found success doing this. She is now making 6 figures a year just from YouTube videos. This woman just loved coming up with new keto recipes. She started shooting videos doing the recipes and giving keto tips and tricks, etc. Fast forward 3 years and she’s making a little over $100,000 per year from these videos. Now keep in mind, she has millions of views on her videos so finding a niche that people will be drawn to is important.

A chef making a cooking vlog with a selfie tripod and phone

3. Create an Online Course

You can take your paralegal knowledge and turn it into a course. Or several courses. But then what do you do with it?

If it’s a good course on a topic that the Paralegal Boot Camp doesn’t already have, you could sell it outright or collect monthly revenue from it whenever anyone buys it.  I’m going to be teaching paralegals how to do this in a few months.  Join the waitlist to be notified when the program opens up.

Or you could put it on Udemy (just keep in mind that you don’t have control over what they sell it for). So sometimes they’ll do a sale and put a bunch of their courses on sale for $10 each and you get a portion of that. On the positive side, they have millions of visitors on their site. It’s all about volume and getting eyes on your course.

4. Teach a Course at a Local Paralegal School or an Online Paralegal School

There are a lot of paralegal certificate programs that hire paralegals and other legal professionals to teach for them.

And now with most schools having an online option, you could be in Minnesota and teach an online evening course for a school in Florida.

This is a great side gig when you want an immediate return on your time.

5. Be an Affiliate

Almost every company has an affiliate program, that gives you a percentage of each sale that comes in directly from you.

Have you ever Googled something like: how to get a dark stain out of a white shirt? You click on a blog article to see the answer and it gives you a step-by-step method to get the stains out. Somewhere in the article, the writer recommends using ABC stain remover, you click on that link and it redirects you to that product on Amazon? That’s an affiliate link. The writer of that article gets a few cents every time someone clicks that link and buys that stain remover. It’s hard to make much money doing that, but there are other affiliate programs that have a higher percentage and higher-priced products.

Now you have 5 Side Gigs to explore that don’t require you to put mileage on your car or even leave your home. Keep in mind that these are suggestions to make some extra money and are not meant to replace your current paralegal job.

If you are looking to explore other career options, you can read 15 Alternative Careers for Paralegals to get an idea of what opportunities are out there for your skillset. Best of luck on your side gig endeavors and be sure to share with us any articles you write or youtube channels you start!

Maybe instead of a side gig, you look at how to make more money as a paralegal at your current employment?

Meet the Author

A portrait of Ann Pearson for the Paralegal blog.

Ann Pearson is the Founder of the Paralegal Boot Camp, and host of the Paralegals on Fire! Podcast Show, and passionate about promoting the paralegal profession.

Ann spent 20 years working as a paralegal manager and a litigation paralegal before opening the Paralegal Boot Camp in 2010. 

Ann’s training programs focus on adding immediate value to a paralegal’s career and bridging the gap between what a paralegal learns in school and what they actually do on the job.

Visit the About Us Page to learn more about why Ann started the Paralegal Boot Camp.

Connect with Ann on LinkedIn

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As a personal injury paralegal, you have an important role in the pre-litigation phase of your claim files. 

But where do you start when you’re managing 80+ active files?  

The Personal Injury Paralegal Boot camp will give you all the tools to manage that heavy case load.


Are you still waiting for on-the-job training that takes you through the lifecycle of a litigation case and shows you what it is you can be doing?

This course and coaching program is what you’ve been looking for! 

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