
Episode 134: Lessons Learned From Washington State’s LLLT Program

In this episode of the Paralegals on Fire podcast, guest host Linda Odermott delves into Washington State’s Limited License Legal Technicians (LLLT) program. She discusses its inception, aimed at improving access to affordable family law services, and the challenges it faced, including political opposition and complex requirements. Despite initial successes, the program was ultimately sunsetted in 2020.

Linda highlights lessons learned, emphasizing stakeholder engagement, incremental growth, and clear success metrics. The episode underscores the evolving role of paralegals in addressing the access to justice crisis.

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Key Takeaways:

  1. Promote buy-in from all corners of the legal community and the public.
  2. Ensure a wide range of voices in the program’s development.
  3. Plan for gradual growth and secure diverse funding sources.
  4. Invest in attracting both applicants and clients.
  5. Set clear goals and metrics for success.
  6. Facilitate transitions for seasoned paralegals to boost participation.


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Linda Odermott Paralegal podcast guest host

Meet the Podcast  Guest Host

Linda Odermott, RP and Oregon Certified Paralegal has extensive experience working on access to justice initiatives and regulation reforms, particularly in licensed paralegal programs, including:

  • OSB (Oregon State Bar) Legal Technician Task Force (2013 – 2015)
  • OSB Licensing Paraprofessionals Working Group, Futures Task Force, and Regulation Committee (2016 – 2018)
  • Chair of the Admissions & Education Workgroup of the OSB Paraprofessional Licensing Implementation Committee
  • Member of OSB Committee of Paralegal Assessors

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