
Episode 123: You Made a Big Mistake at Work – Now What?

In the legal profession, where perfection is expected, even a small mistake can feel like a big problem. But here’s the thing: everyone makes mistakes. Even your attorneys make mistakes. Mistakes that you don’t usually hear about unless you have to pulled in to help them fix the mistake.

I’ve had other episodes on how to avoid mistakes, and I have a 60-minute course on improving your attention to detail so that you can reduce the number of mistakes that you make, but now it’s time to talk about what to do when you make the mistake.

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Ann Pearson poses with a computer and a microphone on her desk as she sets to present the paralegal podcast.

Meet the Podcast Host

Ann Pearson is the Founder of Paralegal Boot Camp and the host of this podcast show to give paralegals the insights, tips, and strategies to fast-track their paralegal careers.

As a former paralegal and paralegal manager, Ann gives her insights from different perspective so that you can advance your paralegal career and bypass some of the learning curve.

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Click here to Give the show a review, and let me know what you enjoy most about the Paralegals on Fire! Podcast Show. I’ll be reading every one of them! –Ann Pearson


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