10 Career-Boosting Principles for Paralegals
In this empowering video session, Ann shares 10 career-boosting principles for paralegals to excel at your profession and enjoy your work.
Quick Tip on Time Management
Ann Pearson gives you a quick video tip on time management that compares attention management to time management.
Everything You Need to Know About Billable Hours
Billable hours are the hours spent working on tasks that can be charged to a law firm’s clients. Here is everything you need to know.
How to Work For a Micromanager
It’s not easy when the attorney you work for is a micromanager. Here are some tips for paralegals who have a micromanager for a boss.
Attorney Reveals Top 3 Must-Have Skills for Paralegals
Watch this video interview to hear what an attorney considers to be the must-have skills for paralegals and how those also relate to new associates.
Paralegals – Be the “Go-To” Person for AI
Watch the video interview Ann Pearson had with Jim Sullivan to learn why she is saying that AI for paralegals is essential.
A Place to Start as a Litigation Paralegal With No Experience
Here is a place to start as a litigation paralegal when you have no experience and you’re trying to get your paralegal career started.
How to Make More Money as a Paralegal
Ann gives you 3 strategies to help you make more money as a paralegal with her insights learned as a paralegal manager.
Paralegal Billable Hours – The Important Numbers
Three key numbers that you should be tracking if you are paralegal working in a law firm with a billable hour requirement.
Key Strategies to Change Your Mindset About Your Billable Time
Discovery three key strategies to change your mindset about having to enter your billable time when working in a law firm.