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This free resource will help you stay on track and on your way to developing habits that will make you indispensable to your team.

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    “You invested a lot of time and money to get that paralegal certificate and be where you are right now. Don’t be complacent and let that investment go to waste.

    I promise you that by developing these habits and carving out the time to invest in your career, you will not regret it!”

    Ann Pearson


    What you get:

    A monthly tracker in PDF format to track the 7 Habits of the Indispensable Paralegal to help you stay accountable and stand out at your firm.

    What is it all about?

    We want to be an indispensable paralegal because that makes us an essential part of the team. When you are essential you are more likely to:

    Make more money.

    Enjoy going to work.

    Do work that is challenging and rewarding.

    Have more job security.

    We've divided these 7 habits into categories (see above), depending on whether they should be daily habits, or things that you do on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis to make it easy for you to get these habits into your professional life.